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GVSUAlert! GVSU will move to REMOTE STATUS for Thurs, Dec. 12, 2024. Exams not able to be held remotely will be rescheduled for Saturday. See email for details.

Diagnostic Medical Sonography, BS

Student Outcomes

Assessment of Student Outcomes

Outcome DMS-A Skills

Students who graduate from the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program, General concentration will demonstrate medical sonography skills, competency, and experience necessary to perform patient examinations and assessments in general (Abdomen and OBGYN specialties) sonography
Objective 1 Students demonstrate integration of this knowledge into competency-based clinical experience

Measure 1

2018 Status
The finding (students obtaining 100% competencies across all specialties) demonstrates high level of competency across a variety of specialties achieved by students upon completion of the program.

2017 Status
The finding (students obtaining 97.4% competencies across all specialties) demonstrates high level of competency across a variety of specialties achieved by students upon completion of the program.

Outcome DMS-B Written communication competence

Write effectively for multiple purposes and audiences.

Objective 1 Effectively communicate through written work in a clear and concise manner.

Measure 1

2021 Status
The threshold was achieved (all students recieved 80% or higher on their final paper) and is demonstrating that students are equipped with the strong communication skills necessary in the field of medical sonography upon graduating from Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program.

2018 Status
The finding (100% of students achieved 90% or higher on their final paper) demonstrates that students are equipped with the strong communication skills necessary in the field of medical sonography upon graduating from Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program.

2017 Status
The finding (100 % of students achieved 90% or higher on their final paper) demonstrates that students are equipped with the strong written communication skills necessary in the field of medical sonography upon graduating from Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program.

Outcome DMS-C Cognitive competence

Students who graduate from the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program, General concentration will demonstrate cognitive knowledge consistent with entry level standards in abdominal and OBGYN sonographic specialties established for national registration by the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography.
Objective 1 Students will demonstrate appropriate knowledge competency in abdominal and OBGYN sonographic specialties.

Measure 1

2021 Status
The finding demonstrates that the target was achieved- 100% passed the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography board examination in both- Abdominal and OBGYN specialties at the first attempt.

2019 Status
The finding demonstrates that the threshold was achieved- 94% passed the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonography board examination in both- Abdominal and OBGYN specialties at the first attempt.

2018 Status
Not Yet Achieved
This finding demonstrates that the threshold was achieved - 87.5% of the students successfully passed the American Registry for Diagnostic Medical Sonographer board examinations in Abdominal and OBGYN specialties at the first attempt.

Outcome DMS-D Problem solving

Students who graduate from the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program, General concentration will demonstrate effective problem solving and critical thinking skills in the context of diagnostic medical sonography profession.
Objective 1 Students will conduct and deliver an original medical ultrasound research project. Students will produce a research poster for SDMS national annual conference.

Measure 1

2021 Status
Target was achieved- 100% of student’s posters were accepted to be presented at the poster’s competition at SDMS Annual National Conference.

2019 Status
The target was achieved- 100% of research posters were successfully accepted to be presented at the Annual National Society of Diagnostic Medical Sonography conference.

2018 Status
The target was achieved - 100% of student's posters were accepted to be presented at SDMS national annual conference.

Outcome DMS-E Integration

Students who graduate from the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program, General concentration will demonstrate their abilities to synthesize and apply knowledge, experiences, and multiple perspectives to new, complex situations.

Objective 1 Students will create a portfolio demonstrating synthesis of their knowledge, multiple experiences, and perspectives.

Measure 1

2019 Status
The outcome is considered to be achieved, 100% of students achieved grade B+ or higher on their portfolio project.

Outcome DMS-F Professional affective competency.

Students who graduate from the Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program, General concentration will demonstrate affective skills necessary in the field of sonography, and professional conduct necessary in the healthcare field.
Objective 1 Students will conduct themselves in ethical and professional manner in healthcare setting, and provide high quality patient care.

Measure 1

2021 Status
The finding demonstrates that target was achieved- 100% of evaluated students received 90% or higher affective evaluation score.

2019 Status
The finding demonstrates that threshold was achieved, 93.3% of evaluated students received 90% or higher affective behavior evaluation score. We will continue to provide students with the diverse clinical experiences, and individualized coaching sessions to ensure that target will be achieved.